Thursday, February 13, 2025


Torbay Council call for views on economic growth strategy

Torbay Council would like to hear from those who live, work and own a business in the Bay on the priorities and actions in our draft Economic Growth Strategy.  This...

Torbay Housing Crisis, further consultation proposal

Options for how Torbay Council could continue to address the housing crisis are likely to go out for further public consultation this autumn. Cabinet members...

Free Energy Efficient Improvements for households on low incomes

Households across Devon and Torbay that are on lower incomes are being invited to apply for free energy efficiency improvements for their homes which...

Military on COVID-19 Readiness

The Defence Secretary has recently announced that the Ministry of Defence (MOD), will put an additional 10,000 military personnel on a higher state of...

Secretary of State Visits Exeter College to Talk T Levels

The Secretary of State for Education Gavin Williamson MP visited Exeter College to learn more about the impact new T Level qualifications will have...

More Stop and Search powers for Police to prevent acid attacks

New police powers to stop and search anyone suspected of carrying a corrosive substance will be granted according to Home Secretary Sajid Javid. The...

New railcard announced, child fares for 16 and 17 year olds extended

Travel by railway is big news today, with an a rise of 3.1% for all commuters heading to work. However, Transport Secretary, Chris...

Fewer people are killed or seriously injured in road accidents in Torbay, figures show.

Figures obtained from the Department of Transport have revealed that 1 person was killed and 50 people were seriously injured on Torbay's roads in...

More than 400 food hygiene warnings handed out by inspectors in Torbay, figures show

Figures released by the Food Standards agency has revealed the over 400 written food hygiene warnings were given to businesses in Torbay. The main problems...

Torbay Suicide Rate increases slightly, despite lowest male suicide rate in the UK for thirty years

The suicide rate in Torbay has increased slightly over the last three years, new figures show. Despite the UK showcasing the lowest male suicide rate...

Public asked for opinion on banning the sale of energy drinks to children & young people

Energy drinks are all the rage among children and young people. However, the government is seeking views from the public on ending the sale of...