Those looking for new ways to get active this January can do so at their local library. During the month [of January], 50 libraries across Devon and four libraries in Torbay will be hosting events and activities designed to get people of all ages exercising their mind, body and soul.
Libraries Unlimited, the charity that runs Devon and Torbay libraries will launch its seventh annual Active Life Active Mind programme on 2nd January 2020. The month long programme sees over 250 events taking place across the county, including meditation, interactive sound games, chair yoga, blood pressure checks, dance fitness sessions, singing for wellbeing, craft for adults, dementia friends group, Torbay Climate Action, Zumba and much more.
All 54 of Devon and Torbay libraries will be hosting events for Active Life Active Mind, showcasing what libraries do to support learning and strengthen communities by bringing people together and encouraging positive mental and physical health.
The 2020 Active Life Active Mind programme will feature the largest number of activities to date, with a diverse programme of events for people of all ages and interests.

Brixham Library will host over 13 events during January, promoting positive health and wellbeing for the local community. Events include Lego club, Tai Chi taster sessions, International Health taster sessions, mindfulness colouring and sensory play session.
Brixham Library will also be hosting an evening of laughter and illusions with Mr Cosmo on Saturday 18th January, 7-9pm and a family animal movement session on Saturday 11th January, 10-1045am.
On Friday 17th January, 10.30-11.30am Torquay Library is hosting Children’s Yoga and Storytime. This is a chance to learn some simple, easy-to-learn skills to help a baby or child in a first aid emergency on Monday 20th January 10-11am at Torquay Library.
Paignton Library is hosting three events, ‘Mindful Monsters’ mindfulness activities for school aged children and their parents on Saturday 11th January, 2-3pm; DASH will be hosting a talk, followed by a Q&A discussion session about Men’s mental health on Thursday 16th January 1.30-2.15pm; and local author Abi Yardimci will be joining Paignton LIbrary for a talk and a mindfulness meditation session on Saturday 25th January, 2.30-3.30pm.
Numerous events are taking place at Churston Library, including a guided historical walk around the local area on Thursday 9th and Thursday 24thJanuary, both walks starting at 10.30am; learn the ukulele sessions; bingo; Scrabble Club and much more.
Ros Fry and Annabel Coakley from Cancer Research UK will help us understand some key scientific principles that are important for the future of cancer research and treatment with hands-on science activities. They will also have information about how to live more healthily and reduce your risks of getting cancer. Aimed at adults, but children aged 10 and over will enjoy. Join Ros and Annabel at Churston Library on Friday 10th January, 2-4pm.

Colin Bray, Service Development Manager for Libraries Unlimited said: “The New Year brings a new outlook and new opportunities, but for some, this time of year can be somewhat challenging and isolating. Libraries are the perfect venue to bring people together – our spaces are welcoming, and our staff are warm and friendly. Active Life Active Mind encourages people to try new activities and learn new skills or simply to meet like-minded people. Our programme helps promote positive mental and physical health and wellbeing in a range of ways working alongside a number of specialist partners. Libraries also signpost local services and places for support. Not only that, but joining the library gives access to a range of free online material including books and magazines.”
Libraries will be working closely with a number of partners, including, Prostate Cancer UK, Active Devon, Home Instead, The Stroke Association, Library Friends Groups and numerous local teachers and organisations. Each partner has been specially selected for their knowledge and expertise and their role in supporting and advising people to live happy and healthy lives.
Over 3,500 people attended an Active Life Active Mind event during January 2019 with the most popular reason being the opportunity to learn something new.
Active Life Active Mind runs for the month of January. Regular events such as Lego Club, Reading Groups and Friends Group meetings will take place as normal.
A full list of events can be found on the Torbay Libraries website: