On Tuesday the 17th May 2022, Members officially elected and appointed Councillor Mandy Darling as The Worshipful The Mayor of Torbay and Councillor Cecilia Brown as Deputy Civic Mayor.
Cllr Mandy Darling takes the helm from Cllr Terry Manning who was inaugurated as The Worshipful Mayor of Torbay in April 2021.
During her year in office, Cllr Mandy Darling will be supported by her consorts Ms Lilly Beckett and Tim Smith as her Chaplin and will be working to raise funds to support Guide Dogs (Torbay) and the local Doves group of the Children’s Society.
Cllr Cecilia Brown was appointed as the Deputy Civic Mayor and will be escorted by Mr Trevor Brown.
Cllr Mandy Darling, The Worshipful The Mayor of Torbay said:
It is an honour and a privilege to be Torbay’s Civic Mayor and I thank my fellow councillors for selecting me in this role. My Guide Dog ‘Pepsi’ and I aim to carry out our duties to represent our beautiful Bay to the best of our abilities.
“Throughout my mayoral year I am hoping to bring our communities closer to the council and foster inclusion in Torbay.”
Alongside the appointment of a new Civic Mayor and Deputy Civic Mayor and in accordance with the start of the new Municipal Year, the Council reconfirmed the Terms of Reference and membership of the council’s Committees, Sub-Committees and Working Parties. Having appointed the council’s Committees, the Council duly appointed the following Councillors as Chairmen/women and Vice-Chairmen/women of the council Committees:
Audit Committee
- Chair – Cllr Loxton
- Vice-Chair – Cllr Kennedy
Harbour Committee
- Chair – Cllr Amil
- Vice-Chair – Cllr Dudley
Health and Wellbeing Board
(Note: In accordance with Standing Order H3.1 nominations reflect the members of the Health and Wellbeing Board which includes officers and partners)
- Chair – Cllr Stockman
- Vice-Chair – Matt Fox (Clinical Commissioning Group)
Licensing Committee
- Chair – Cllr Ellery
- Vice-Chair – Cllr B Lewis
Overview and Scrutiny Board
- Chair – Cllr Douglas-Dunbar
- Vice-Chair – Cllr Bye
Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Board (Sub-Committee of Overview and Scrutiny)
- Chair – Cllr Bye
- Vice-Chair – Cllr Mills
Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board
- Chair – Cllr Johns
- Vice-Chair – Cllr Barnaby
Planning Committee
- Chair – Cllr Pentney
- Vice-Chair – Cllr Dudley
Standards Committee
- Chair – Cllr Carter
- Vice-Chair – Cllr Mills
Cabinet Members
- Cllr Carter, Cabinet Member for Corporate and Community Services
- Cllr Cowell, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance
- Cllr S Darling, Leader of the Council
- Cllr Law, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services
- Cllr Long, Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration, Tourism and Housing
- Cllr Morey, Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Environment and Culture
- Cllr Stockman, Cabinet Member for Adults and Public Health
Our calendar of meetings along with published reports and minutes can be found our how the council works webpages.