Torbay Coast & Countryside Trust (TCCT) are delighted to announce that their regeneration plan for Occombe Farm is set for approval!
On Monday evening the Torbay Council Planning Committee resolved to approve the Trust’s application, subject to agreeing some points of detail. The regenerated Occombe will incorporate a mix of indoor and outdoor play and activities alongside a much larger farm shop, improved café and flexible activity space with new rental units; providing a year-round destination.
The farm visitor attraction will be a unique visitor experience, unlike anything currently available in Torbay. It will incorporate animal paddocks for rare breed cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry, with an indoor barn accommodating small animals for supervised handling and feeding. Fun, interactive play features and treasure trails will also be incorporated throughout this area.
It is anticipated that the new Occombe enterprise will create up to 60 new jobs. The Trust hopes to start building work in February 2020 and open the doors on the new Occombe in early 2021.

Damian Offer, Chief Executive of the Trust said
“We were delighted to hear this positive outcome which takes us a big step closer to providing Torbay with a unique quality destination for residents and visitors. The profits from the new Occombe will support the Trust’s work, reduce reliance on Council funding and be invested in improving our land across Torbay for wildlife and people.”
For twenty years, Torbay Coast & Countryside Trust has been responsible for physically protecting and conserving over 1,700 acres of Torbay’s special natural places including Berry Head Nature Reserve, Cockington Country Park, Occombe Farm and many precious woodlands, cliffs and coastal walks. The Trust receives funding from Torbay Council for managing land but this funding is inadequate to keep the land in good order. The Trust’s plans for the regeneration of Occombe Farm will help reduce the Trust’s reliance upon council funding in future.
The Trust can now focus on securing the funds needed for the project.